DetecTogether is proud to be an Official Charity Partner of the 129th Boston Marathon presented by Bank of America.

Run the 2025 Bank of America Boston Marathon® with Team DetecTogether.
Our charity athletes run the famed Boston Marathon to bring awareness to the work of DetecTogether. Runners raise funds to help save lives by teaching people how to detect cancer early and be active partners in their healthcare. Among them are cancer survivors, family, and friends. To date, they have raised more than $400,000 for early cancer detection.
Benefits of joining Team DetecTogether, you will gain access to:
- Guaranteed entry into the Boston Marathon through raising a minimum of $11,000.
- BYOB – Bring your own bib. Runners who have their own bib for the Boston Marathon can also run on our team for a fundraising minimum of $3,000. APPLY NOW and select you “have your own bib.”
- A personalized fundraising page through GivenGain.com and tips to help you reach your goal.
- Helpful resources such as email templates, sponsorship materials, and social media tools.
- Fundraising support through CharityTeams and our nonprofit.
- Training Support access to weekly training runs on the Boston Marathon course including the Superhero 17 and the HOP21 training runs, access to professional athletic trainers, physical therapists, coaches and expert guest speakers – all part of the CharityTeams experience!
- Facebook group for runners-only engagement
- Access to alumni runner network
- Team events before the race
- Branded team swag for training and race day
- A positive life changing experience!
For more information, or to inquire about future races, please email donorservices@detectogether.org or call us at 508-713-0652.
2024 Boston Marathon Memories
2023 Boston Marathon Memories