NEW National Health Education Standards Alignment with DetecTogether Program for the High School Classroom
In a highly effective health education program, educators are using skills-based lessons to guide students in the acquisition of positive health behaviors. DetecTogether has aligned 3 Steps Detect, our early cancer detection curriculum, with the 2024 National Health Education Standards, to assist educators with integrating the materials into their health education classroom. Students will be able to use what they learn through 3 Steps Detect to support their health and well-being by developing the skills of an active patient. Through their personal growth, students will also be able to influence the health and well-being of others.
Check out the first three standards with a sample of alignment supported by testimonials from students and teachers.
Standard 1: Students will use functional health information to support health and well-being of self and others.
1.12.4 Evaluate practices and behaviors that support health and well-being, including how to manage health conditions.
3 Steps Detect supports students’ ability to be more aware of their health, advocate for their needs, and articulate their concerns in foreign environments (such as the doctor’s office).
“It gave very helpful information that is useful for all ages. I found it reassuring to hear the message of self-advocacy especially being a young adult.” Student – Bedford High School, NH
“Students learned independent living skills, self-advocacy, how to communicate effectively with healthcare professionals, and how to actively participate in their own healthcare.” Jane Lizotte, Asst. Superintendent – Shrewsbury Public Schools, MA
Standard 2: Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other factors on health behaviors
2.12.1 Evaluate the interrelationships and impacts of various influences and health behaviors on health and well-being.
Learners explore trends in healthcare and why their own actions can change the trajectory of their care. Things like knowing your family history is important, but they are also taught that not all cancer is preceded by a family history.
‘I thought that the presentation had a lot of valuable information that I think everyone should be aware of. Knowing that the information we received could save someone’s life just made it more valuable.” Student – Nipmuc High School, MA
Standard 3: Access valid and reliable resources to support health and well-being of self and others.
3.12.1 Analyze the accessibility of trusted adults, other individuals, health professionals, and other resources to promote health and well-being.
DetecTogether gives learners evidence-based resources and tools to help them evaluate health information more accurately. For example, one of the resources we promote is MedlinePlus, a division of the National Library of Medicine, as a place to access trusted health information.
“The program provided our students an opportunity to hear/see what an important role they play in their overall wellbeing and gave them easy-to-remember steps/tools that one day may save their lives.” Keri McPhillips, Wellness Coordinator – Fontbonne Academy Wellness, MA
‘I think it’s important for people to know that if you have changes you shouldn’t put them off, and I think this information can help a lot of young people that don’t know what to do.” Student – Tahanto Regional High School, MA
DetecTogether has developed a series of standards-based presentations with supplemental activities for teachers to engage students in the classroom. All basic materials are available in Microsoft Office or Google formats. If you would like to know more about bringing 3 Steps Detect to your classroom, please contact us today.